Artwork > Community Mural Projects > Youth Projects > Summer Camps
Amidah, 2013
Camp Ramah, Palmer
I returned as a visiting artist for a week at Camp Ramah in Palmer, MA in the summer of 2013. I led two groups of campers in the design and painting of a 24 foot wide, 8 foot high mural inspired by the camp's theme of "Amidah" (Hebrew for Standing and also the name of an important Jewish prayer). In five short but very intense days, the campers managed to create a beautiful mural that is now installed in the center of the camp to be enjoyed for many years to come.
Campers explain the meaning behind their 2013 mural at Camp Ramah.
Here is a description of the mural in their own words:
"The theme of our mural this year is the Amidah. The Amidah is also called the Shemoneh Esrei which means 18 and the word itself means standing up. Each panel incorporates a Hewbrew quotation either from the Amidah or realted to our brainstorm about standing up. The mural is centered around the numbers 01069, the camp's zip code. We wanted to bring back a belovd green and white fence that was once a symbol of camp that had those numbers and was recently taken down. By basing our mural on this fence we are "standing up" for our belief in this symbol.
Each number depicts a different aspect of Amidah – the prayer or standing up. In the first zero, we put the Shabbat gate that we walk under every Shabbat. Shabbat is one of the times at camp when we all stand together. There is an angel in the middle standing on one leg; and when we say the Amidah prayer we stand with our feet together to imitate the angels. This number also includes a quote from Lechah Dodi about rising up together.
In the number one, we chose to include the Havdallah candle because that is another time when we all come together. Also, the Havdallah candle has many wicks that come together to make one united flame, just like we all come together at Camp Ramah. The quote in the candle’s smoke is a part of the Havdallah blessing that we all sing together.
In the second zero, we put friends holding hands together. They are green and white just like the old fence. In the center a dove is flying together to symbolize standing for peace. The olive branch in its mouth is made up of the quote “Oseh Shalom” which is said during the Amidah prayer.
In the six there is a counselor protecting a camper from the rain because whether it is raining or sunny at Camp Ramah, we all stick together. The camper’s shirt is rainbow tie dye just like the Camp Ramah shirts this year and the rainbow colors spread into a full rainbow and back into the umbrella. There are also three muddy footsteps in front of and behind the people to represent taking three steps backwards and three steps forward at the start of the Amidah. The blessing in this number is the one you say when you see a rainbow.
In the nine there is a siddur with the Amidah with three quotes flying out. Each quote corresponds to one of the three sections of the Amidah – Shevah (praise), Bakasha (request), and Hoda-ah (thanks). The quote for praise is from the Kedusha, describing G-d’s holiness. The quote for request is asking G-d to rebuild Jerusalem and the temple. The quote for thanks is saying that we owe all to G-d. The top of the nine shows the sun rising over Jerusalem and then the day shifting to the daytime and back to sunset, representing the three times of day that we say the Amidah prayer. The music notes are shaped like Chai – 18.
There are also 18 trees, 18 stars, 18 raindrops, 18 friends holding hands, 18 mud puddles, and a bunk with the number 18 – 18 being the number of blessings in the Amidah. Also, we included the skyline of Jerusalem running through the center of the mural because when we say the Amidah prayer we face Jerusalem."
Many thanks to Sarina, Maddy, Sole, Miriam, Dani, Johanna, Erica, Eli, Rachel, Ianne, Hannah, Solomon, Sarah, Alicia, Sara, Sarah, Miriam, Rachel, Arielle, Sarah, Noah, Sophie, Hannah, Mel, and Allison for all of your hard work on this project. Here's what some of them had to say once their work was done:
What was the most enjoyable part of this project?
• Painting the designs and seeing it all come together.
• Looking at finished mural and seeing how cool it is.
• Painting and doing your own part to create this project.
What (if anything) did you learn from the mural process that you didn’t know before?
• I learned that painting allows you to make mistakes that are usually fixable.
• That the little designs make a big difference.
• You do not have to be the best artist ever to contribute to the mural.
What does the mural represent to you? How does it relate to your Ramah experience?
• I think the mural represents what this camp is about and what it has to offer.
• It represents unity because we worked together just like how Camp Ramah works as one.
• It shows the elements that make Ramah so special.
What advice would you give the next group now that you’ve been through the mural process?
• Don't be shy to share your ideas.
• Try whatever, nothing is wrong!
• Smooth the bumps!
• Two coats are better than one.
• Enjoy making your mark on camp!