Translations: connected art reflecting empathy (c.a.r.e.)
Translations: connected art reflecting empathy (c.a.r.e.) is my 2021 response to Covid-19. Back in 2020 I launched Translations: chains of positive energy (c.o.p.e.) in direct response to the isolating effects of the global pandemic. Back then, we were all struggling with how to cope with the multitude of feelings that overwhelmed us. It was personal, individual, and reflected how we each found ways to take care of ourselves. And yet it ended up connecting over 75 artists with each other which in and of itself was a way to cope with the isolation.
This second series includes over 100 artists contributing to 19 chains of art as a way to try to creatively move beyond Covid-19. It considers how we take care others and how others have cared for us during this challenging time through chains of six linked artistic expressions translating the words of the community through art. The six links in each chain offer a creative way to connect and offset the six feet of physical distance we need to keep from each other in order to care for each other. Scroll down and click on the 19 images to view the completed chains.
Prompt: How have you cared for others or how others have cared for you during these challenging times?
Click the images below to view the chains, discover artistic inspiration and share in the connected empathy.
Each chain was started by someone offering a word or phrase that describes how they have cared for others or how others have cared for them during these challenging times. The word was then sent to another artist to "translate" into their own modality. Once complete, that new artwork was sent to a different artist to translate into a different modality, and on and on, with each artist ONLY seeing the one translation immediately prior to their own. Every completed chain begins with a word/phrase and ends with a word/phrase, and is translated through various art forms in between.